Thank you for participating in our research! We could not do this work without your support.
If you have questions that you'd like to ask a member of our research team, please contact us here. Your message might say something like "Hi, I'm a participant in a current study (include name of the study if you know it, e.g. 2m2x) and I have a (question/concern). My question is ___. Please (call/email) me to discuss this."
Please also see the resources below for questions about your rights as a research participant, mental health, and autism.
If you have questions about your rights as research participants or feel that those rights have been violated, you may also contact the Rowan University Institutional Review Board. You can call them at: (856) 566-2712.
If you are currently experiencing emotional distress, we encourage you to contact a health professional. In an emergency, call 911 (Rowan students can also call the Public Safety office at (856) 256-4911 and ask to speak with the Counselor on Call). An emergency may include but not be limited to thoughts of hurting yourself or ending your life.
If you are having emotional health difficulties that are not a current emergency, we strongly encourage you to:
(1) tell someone in your life about your feelings and concerns. Many people will start this process by talking to a trusted family member and to their primary doctor about the thoughts or feelings they have been having.
(2) to make an appointment with a local mental health professional. Upon request, we will provide you with a list of mental health resources. [Rowan students are also encouraged to schedule an appointment with the Counseling and Psychological Services by calling 856-256-4333].
Here are some free national services that can help:
National Crisis Hotline - Call 1-800-273-8255 (1-800-273-TALK) (Available 24/7)
Crisis Text Line - Text "Hello" to 741741 (Available 24/7)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 (Available 24/7)
National Eating Disorders Association - 1-800-931-2237 (Monday-Friday, 11:30 am-7:30 pm EST)
Self-Injury Help - 1-800-366-8288 (Information and referrals)
Project Semicolon - Suicide prevention resources and mental health treatment locator:
SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator – This tool can be used to search for mental health treatment facilities near your location:
The state of New Jersey provides a comprehensive list of metal health services available within the state. The table of contents in this list allows you to search for services by county or by type of service. This list is available at the following website:
You are not alone. Please use these resources above to connect with healthcare professionals and to seek support from others who have gone through similar experiences.
If you have questions about autism - including the autistic community, self-advocacy, autism diagnoses and services - here are a few starting places:
Freely available resources for newly diagnosed adults and their families:
Advice and support for newly diagnosed women from Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network (formerly Autistic Women's Network) (
Welcome to the Autistic Community by Autistic Self Advocacy Network (
Wrong Planet ( a website that provides copious helpful articles as well as discussion forums dedicated toward helping autistic people find a supportive community and learn more about themselves and others
There are also a variety of state resources like the New Jersey Self-Advocacy Project.
Books available for purchase or from libraries:
Knowing Why: Adult-Diagnosed Autistic People on Life and Autism (
Other research participation opportunities:
SPARK ( is a research initiative dedicated to connecting autistic people to autism researchers. This organization, which you can register yourself to in order to be contacted for more research participation opportunities, aims to support research efforts to improve the lives of people who have autism.
ARC of New Jersey periodically posts research opportunities.